Products and People Make A Difference. Every Day.

At, YOU make a difference! Everyday heroes are all around us. Tell us about yours! Recognize and thank your hero.

You make a difference every time you purchase products. Please thank and recognize those Heroes in your life whose actions made a difference.

Thank Your Hero With One of Our CBD Products or Gourmet Coffees.

Thank you for making a difference with your purchase of products. YOU are the Hero.

Let's Make a Difference Together

Thank Your Hero

We now offer CBD Oil Products and a CBD PAIN BALM roll up stick in 2.6oz. Coming soon, a PAIN BALM 1oz roll up stick and .25oz salve.

Also coming soon, 20 oz tumblers and 14 oz mugs.

Check out our Hats (new styles and colors coming soon), and our Gourmet Coffees.

Together, it's the little things we all do each day that make a positive difference in people's lives. Please tell us about the Hero in your life that made a difference for you.

Gift Our Products

With each transaction, a portion of your spending directly supports the non-profit organization you select.

Recognize Your Hero

We want to recognize people who do good in our world. Tell us about your hero or heroes. Let's be the positive force that creates change in our world.